nutrition, supplements Benefits of digestive enzymes Many clients complain about indigestion or the feeling bloated after meals. There are a few reasons why this may happen:… KX Health
lifestyle Common mistakes for fat loss Physical activity is at an all time low, there is an overconsumption of medical drugs, fast and processed foods, and… KX Health
lifestyle How to overcome constipation naturally Often clients complain about how clean they eat but still experience mild gastrointestinal distress. You may be eating gluten, dairy,… KX Health
meat, recipes Easy Roast Chicken Recipe When roasting vegetables, we like to leave the skin on. Just give them a quick wash and roughly chop them.… KX Health
exercise, program design Steady state cardio can make you fat For the general public, most of us exercise to improve our physical appearance or improve general health and prevent disease.… KX Health
lifestyle, natural products The best natural deodorant Summer is around the corner and effective natural deodorant would be helpful in the scorching Toronto heat. Endocrine disruption… KX Health
lifestyle, nutrition How to overcome sugar cravings Sugar is an extraordinarily destructive substance that tends to be overconsumed by most people. Sugar is highly addictive substance… KX Health
exercise Optimizing performance with pre workout There are many different supplements marketed as performance enhancers in the world of sports nutrition. Among the list of popular… KX Health
exercise, structural balance What you need to know before starting a program Most people we see want to drop x% of body fat and look good naked. Guess what? Your posture is… KX Health
chiropractic, therapy Text neck from poor posture Text neck is a term we are all guilty of practicing. Prolonged used of smartphone use causes an increase in… KX Health