
Is salt good or bad for you?

KX Health

Salt consumption, much like carbohydrate, protein and fat consumption, is surrounded with controversy and differing opinions. It has been given a bad name and accused for increasing the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. However, most studies are done on refined salt, not natural, unprocessed counterpart. Let’s take a look at what salt does for our body.

Role of unrefined salt include:

  • Vital for extraction of excess acidity from cells of the body
  • Balance blood sugar levels
  • Absorption of food particles through intestinal tract
  • Clears lung of mucus plugs and sticky phlegm
  • Natural antihistamine
  • Can aid in prevention of muscle cramps
  • Required to build strong bones

There is a great nutritional difference between refined and natural salt.

Refined salt

Refined table salts often contain anti-caking agents, some of which are aluminum based, leading to metal toxicity. Dextrose is used by some manufacturers to prevent the salt from turning purple. Sodium siliconauminate, is associated with kidney problems and mineral malabsorption. Sodium acetate, may elevate blood pressure, kidney disturbances and water retention.

Unrefined, natural salt

Unprocessed sea salt is about 78% sodium chloride and 11% magnesium chloride, and smaller amounts of magnesium and calcium carbonate. There are many trace minerals and elements in unrefined sea salt, responsible for regulating nutritional absorption, provide electrolytes and cellular function.

  • Contains over 60 trace minerals
  • Powerful electrolytes
  • Trace elements required for proper adrenal, immune and thyroid function
  • Digestive enzyme enhancers, which help your body absorb more nutrients from the foods that you eat

Choose coloured salt (either pink, grey or black). White salt is stripped from all the nutrients and benefits.

Book an appointment to learn more about how foods and supplements can improve your body composition.

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